Almost Every Believing Christian Stumbles Over This One Single Truth the Most!
But the gospel gives us the mind of Christ (First Corinthians 2:16) and allows us to think God’s thoughts (Isaiah 55:8–9).
This message is about the unconditional love God has for us if we are believers in Christ. God has a love for all people as John 3:16 says: “God so loved the world.” But God has a special UN-conditional love for those of us who are believers: joined with him in the life of Jesus.
We Think God that Thinks Conditionally As We Do
God’s unconditional love is something very hard for us to grasp because we live with so many conditions, and we are conditional thinkers in the way we relate to others. We say, “I love you because…” But God simply says,
“I love you PERIOD… if you are in Jesus.”
If We Are In Christ, God Does Not Judge Our Sin
Most Christians worry about judgment for sin.
But Jesus became sin for us. Hebrews says he ‘put away sin’ for the believer (Hebrews 9:26). Sin has been abolished for us. We are told many times that God forgives all our sin if we are in Christ. But it also says twice that…